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Housing Jun 11 2013
C H I L M A R K   H O U S I N G   C O M M I T T E E

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Chilmark Town Hall,

Present: Ann Wallace, Jim Feiner, Andrew Goldman, Sheila Muldaur

Absent:  William Randol, Michelle Leonardi,

Minutes of April 9, 2013 approved.

Membership:  The Committee welcomed Bill Rossi as the newly-appointed Board of Selectmen representative to the Committee, and thanked Todd Christy for his significant contributions to the Committee’s work, both as member and as Administrative Assistant.

The Committee discussed the membership of Roland Kluver, and asked Marina Lent to write him a letter, asking him to serve as an ex officio member: the Committee looks forward to his valuable contribution and extensive experience in support of affordable housing in Chilmark.

The membership of the Committee is as follows: Bill Rossi (BOS), Bill Randol (BOS), Andrew Goldman (BOS), Sheila Muldour (Planning), Jim Feiner (Planning), Michele Leonardi (Planning), Ann Wallace (Dukes County Regional Housing Authority), Roland Kluver (ex-officio).

The Committee then reviewed a roster of recommended members of the Chilmark Affordable Housing Trust as follows: Bill Rossi (BOS), Sheila Muldour (Housing Committee), Janet Weidner (Planning), Bruce Golden (Finance Committee), Andy Goldman (At-Large).  The Committee asked Marina Lent to forward this list to the Board of Selectmen for appointment.

Housing Needs Assessment Study  Ann Wallace reported on preparations of the MVC Affordable Housing Working Group for a presentation of the Housing Needs Assessment Study prepared by Karen Sunnarborg, which will take place on June 19, 2013 at 7pm at the Tisbury Senior Center on Pine Tree Road opposite the cemetery.  

The Committee discussed many ideas for progress in affordable housing, including changes to the town’s Zoning Bylaws.  Andy Goldman, who represents the Housing Committee on the Planning Board working group which is reviewing bylaw-changes, reported that the group is meeting weekly, and would welcome input from the Housing Committee.

The Committee looks forward to preparing recommendations for Zoning changes, including facilitating Homesite lots of <1 acre, multifamily units, and securing funding to support affordable housing.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 5pm.